Our mission

My mission is to create 1000 high quality full colour house drawings in my lifetime

Joseph Fowles

In 1848, an incredible artist called Joseph Fowles took it upon himself to draw every single building in the city of Sydney. An enormous undertaking. All drawn intricately by hand. His legacy is my lifelong inspiration. My mission is to draw 1,000 homes in my lifetime. 

Jason Smith

I have been drawing since I was 2. In high school I wanted to become an architect but the physics and the maths beat me. But nothing will stop my passion for drawing homes and buildings. Many are just places I walk or drive past. Others are from history and long since demolished. Sometimes I draw a house because I like it; others I draw to preserve them. This is not a career for me; it's a passion. I will take commissions for a modest fee if I feel the house will add value to the collection. If you have a house you would like me to draw or you have a recommendation, please email us via the Contact page. 

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